Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Whiskey Rebels -- Early review for and Random House

David Liss has been on my "to read" list for quite some time. After reading The Whiskey Rebels, he's sky rocketed to the top of that list. Though some earlier reviewers say this "is not his best", you could have fooled me.

18th century America is not my favorite period in historical fiction, but colonial Philadelphia and the factors leading up to the Whiskey Rebellion would have grabbed my attention. Freshman Pennsylvania history in high-school and Colonial history II in college (both in Pennsylvania) came flooding back to me, this time, in a good way.

Liss' has wonderfully built period atmosphere, compelling characters, and an intriguing story full of suspense, all of which is enhanced by flawless research. He's also hit everything I look for in historical fiction -- a story based on history I know little about (or have forgotten) that I can get lost in! I hit the jackpot with The Whiskey Rebels and am really looking forward to reading his earlier works. 4 stars

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